Immigrants are a vital part of Wisconsin’s future

by Kids Forward | November 26, 2024

Home 9 Immigration 9 2024 Immigration Series 9 Immigrants are a vital part of Wisconsin’s future

In partnership with the Immigration Research Initiative and the Economic Policy Institute. Art by Melanie Cervantes.

Immigrant workers and business owners grow Wisconsin’s economy

Nearly 300,000 immigrants reside in Wisconsin. Immigrants work in low-wage, middle-wage, and higher-wage jobs in sectors across our state’s economy.

of cooks

of construction workers

of college

of manicurists &

of auto

of physicians

of childcare

of packing machine

of software

Immigrant workers and business owners generate $23 billion of economic output in Wisconsin. Immigrant contribution to GDP is about the same as immigrant share of the labor force.

Immigration increases opportunity for Wisconsinites

When immigrants move to Wisconsin, the economy grows. That doesn’t mean fewer jobs, it means more jobs: there are more consumers, more workers, and more business owners. Study after study shows there is no fixed number of jobs in a state. Immigration creates opportunities that benefit U.S.-born workers too.

As Wisconsinites age, we’ll need more workers

As our population ages, new immigrants help keep our economy growing at a sustainable rate. Immigrants help meet growing needs for health care, home care, and supportive services that are key for older Wisconsinites to have a dignified retirement.

Some people try to scapegoat immigrants to keep us divided. We don’t have to fall for it.

After decades of stagnating wages, today wage growth is starting to move in the right direction. We know how to create a good economy for workers. It requires uniting around policy choices like investments in infrastructure and manufacturing with strong labor standards and livable wages. Regardless of race or country of birth, we all do better when we unite for policies that prioritize the wellbeing of all children and families living in Wisconsin.

Los Inmigrantes son Esenciales para la Prosperidad de Wisconsin

Los trabajadores y dueños de negocios inmigrantes estimulan a la economía de Wisconsin

Traducido por: Liliana Barrera

Casi 300,000 inmigrantes residen en Wisconsin. Los inmigrantes trabajan en empleos con altos y bajos salarios y en sectores de toda la economía del estado.

de cocineros

de trabajadores en construcción

de profesores universitarios

de manicuristas y pedicuristas

de mecánicos de automóviles

de médicos

de trabajadores de cuidado infantil

de operadores de máquinas de empaque

de desarrolladores de software

Los trabajadores y dueños de negocios inmigrantes generan $23 mil millones en producción económica en Wisconsin. La contribución de los inmigrantes al producto interior bruto es casi la misma que la participación en la fuerza laboral. El producto interior bruto es una medida de valor total de todos los bienes y servicios producidos dentro de las fronteras de un país durante un período de tiempo particular.

La inmigración aumenta las oportunidades para los habitantes de Wisconsin

Cuando los inmigrantes se mudan a Wisconsin, la economía crece. Eso no significa menos empleos, significa más empleos: hay más consumidores, más trabajadores y más dueños de negocios. Estudio tras estudio demuestra que no hay un número fijo de empleos en un estado. La inmigración crea oportunidades que también benefician a los trabajadores nacidos en EE.UU.

Mientras nuestra población de Wisconsin envejecen, necesitaremos más trabajadores

Los nuevos inmigrantes ayudan a mantener nuestra economía en crecimiento a un ritmo sostenible. Los inmigrantes ayudan a satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de atención médica, cuidado en el hogar y servicios de apoyo que son clave para que los habitantes mayores de Wisconsin tengan una jubilación digna.

Algunas personas intentan culpar a los inmigrantes para mantenernos divididos, aún siendo descendientes de inmigrantes. No tenemos que caer en esta trampa. Después de varios años de estancamiento salarial, hoy el crecimiento de los salarios está empezando a moverse en la dirección correcta. Sabemos cómo crear una buena economía para los trabajadores. Requiere unirnos en apoyar decisiones políticas como invertir en infraestructura y manufactura con fuertes estándares laborales y salarios dignos. Sin importar la raza o el país de origen, a todos nos va mejor cuando nos unimos por políticas que priorizan el bienestar de todos los niños y familias que viven en Wisconsin.

In partnership with


Share of immigrants in each occupation are from the 2022 American Community Survey 5-year data, the most recent available that gives a robust sample for detailed analysis.

Trend in population, labor force, and business owners is from 2022 American Community Survey 1-year data, the most recent that allows for inclusion of all three data points.

Business owners are defined as people who are self-employed and own an incorporated business.

Main Street business owners are people who own grocery stores, retail shops, restaurants, dry cleaners, and other businesses that typically populate Main Streets. They are defined in the census data as Retail (from jewelry stores to florists to grocery stores), Accommodation and Food Services (restaurants, bars and hotels), and Neighborhood Services (beauty salons, barber shops, nail salons, dry cleaning, and car washes). The first two are standard industry categories, while the third is the majority of what is generally called “Other Services.” A fuller analysis is available in Bringing Vitality to Main Street: How Immigrant Small Businesses Help Local Economies Grow.

Immigrant share of economic output, or GDP, are estimated by showing the share of all earned income – wages plus proprietors’ earnings. The data source is the 2021 American Community Survey 5-year data. The GDP dollar amount is calculated by multiplying this share by the total GDP, as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, by the immigrant share. This methodology is explained most fully in the Fiscal Policy Institute’s Working for a Better Life, Appendix B.

For information about the impact of immigrants on U.S.-born workers, see for example the academic paper Immigration’s Effect on US Wages and Employment Redux, by Alessandro Caiumi and Giovanni Peri, or a more accessible paper by Peri, Do Immigrant Workers Depress the Wages of Native Workers? The recent sudden increase in immigration coincided with positive outcomes for U.S.-born workers, including some of the fastest wage growth in decades for low-wage workers.


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