Improving School Climates and Reducing Disparities

by Kids Forward | January 10, 2014

Home 9 WisKids Count 9 Improving School Climates and Reducing Disparities

On Wednesday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder released Guiding Principles to help guide schools to improve school climate and discipline.  Addressing concerns about the extensive use of suspensions, expulsions, and other exclusionary practices that in the end hurt achievement – particularly youth of color – this document provides an overview of research, best practice, and principles to create school climates that engage all youth.

The document includes principles and guidance related to the still-growing use of law enforcement in schools – promoting prevention and alternatives to arrest and court referrals.  Along with the federal interagency Supportive School Discipline Initiative, use of these ideas can go a long way to improving outcomes for students and schools.

In Wisconsin, black youth are suspended at six times the rate as white youth and Hispanic youth at twice the rate of white youth. We support Wisconsin DPI and district efforts to address these disparities and applaud the Obama administration’s initiative.

Jim Moeser

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