Investing Early is Good Economics: The Message from a Distinguished Economist and Top Business Leaders

by Kids Forward | September 24, 2013

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 Investing Early is Good Economics: The Message from a Distinguished Economist and Top Business Leaders ( Page 9 )

Just recently, strong statements supporting investment in early learning and development have come from Nobel Laureate Economist James Heckman and 35 top business leaders.

Heckman’s Case for an Early Start

Heckman’s opinion piece, Lifelines for Poor Children, appeared in the New York Times Opinionator section September 14, 2013. His primary message: Our educational programs don’t start early enough. He argues, “Quality early childhood programs for disadvantaged children more than pay for themselves in better education, health, and economic outcomes.”

He lays out the attributes that lead to success in life: self-control, openness, the ability to engage with others, to plan, and to persist. His research shows that the foundation for building these attributes are formed very early in a child’s development, and that early development is more effective and cost efficient than remedial efforts later on.

Business Leaders: “We mean business on early childhood”

Thirty-five business leaders across the country have put out a statement on the importance of quality early childhood development:

  • Workforce development: other nations are pulling ahead.
  • Overwhelming research tells us to start early: prenatal to age five.
  • The evidence is undeniable: effective early childhood programs will help close the achievement gap, reduce social costs, and increase adult productivity.

The clear, simple language of the business leaders is impressively laid out.

The combination of these messages from outside the early childhood world is powerful: one from an eminent scholar and the other from some of the nation’s top business leaders.

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