Is your member of Congress hosting a town hall meeting soon? If so, perhaps they’d like a question on juvenile justice rather than taxes!!

by Kids Forward | August 6, 2010

Home 9 Youth Justice 9 Is your member of Congress hosting a town hall meeting soon? If so, perhaps they’d like a question on juvenile justice rather than taxes!!

As soon as Congress finishes off work on a few last-minute items, your Representative and our Senators will be on recess – through September 13. If a member of Congress is holding a town hall/open meeting in your area, go and ask them about what they can do to make sure that the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act reauthorization gets done this fall. The Judiciary Committee in the Senate has passed S.678 reauthorizing JJDPA, but it awaits a vote on the floor and introduction in the House. To give them a welcome break from questions about health care and taxes, take the time to ask them about what they are doing to make sure JJDPA gets reauthorized SOON! You can check for more information on the Coalition for Juvenile Justice web-site dedicated as a Call to Action.

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