- Regarding bullying, 24% of high school students said they were bullied on school property and 17% were electronically bullied. Furthermore, 36% of male students and 54% of female students believe that bullying and harassment are problems in their school.
- Sixty-four percent of students reported using a condom during last intercourse, leaving a significant percentage of students putting themselves at risk for sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancy.
- Marijuana use has increased from 23% in 1993 to 37% in 2011.
- Binge drinking among high school students in Wisconsin is higher than in most states.
- Students have reported inadequate levels of physical activity and the percent of obese students has not changed since 1999.
Students did, however, report many positive protective factors, referred to as assets in the YRBS.
- Eighty-eight percent of students reported that their parents give them love and support.
- Seventy-three percent of students believe there is a teacher or adult at school they can talk to if they have a problem.
- There has been a significant decline in youth reporting never or rarely wearing a seatbelt
- The majority of students said they felt safe at school. Physical fighting, both on and off school property, has decreased since 1993.
- Students who reported carrying a weapon, both on school property or anywhere in the community, also decreased significantly.
- The decline in the percentage of youth reporting that they have smoked a tobacco product within the last 30 days has continued from its peak over a decade ago.