Juvenile Justice Data Trends Continued Downward through 2012

by Kids Forward | January 27, 2014

Home 9 WisKids Count 9 Juvenile Justice Data Trends Continued Downward through 2012

WCCF just posted on our website an updated summary of juvenile justice data trends, about The Continuing State of Juvenile Justice in Wisconsin.  The prior report included data through 2010, and this takes us through 2012 data.  While the downward trends have continued, it will be interesting to see what happens in 2013 as there are signs that the nearly two-decade long decline in juvenile arrests is slowing. Nonetheless, the data also reflects well on continuing efforts by local and state juvenile justice practitioners to be more strategic about assessing risk, strengths, and needs and building support for successful community-based programs.  Hopefully the practice and policy changes over the past decade have reinforced the notion that locking youth up is not a pathway to less crime – in fact, the opposite has been true.                    by Jim Moeser

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