KIDS COUNT Data Feature: EITC Critical to Wisconsin Families All Across the State

by Kids Forward | January 2, 2013

Home 9 Family Economic Security 9 KIDS COUNT Data Feature: EITC Critical to Wisconsin Families All Across the State

Working families across Wisconsin benefit from a state and federal tax credit that offers families a step up and a way out of poverty. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) gets and keeps people working, since it can only be claimed by people who earn income through work, and the credit is structured to encourage people to work more hours.

A new report shows how important the state EITC is to families in Milwaukee County — but Milwaukee County families are not the only ones who benefit from the EITC. This credit is tremendously important for families all across Wisconsin. The map below shows the percentage of the population in each county in Wisconsin that benefits from the EITC, the number of children and the total population that benefits from the EITC, and the dollar amounts for each county. (For readers receiving this blog post via email, you will have to go to the website in order for the map to function properly.)

Tamarine Cornelius


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