Kids Forward Opposes Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Targeting of Families in Wisconsin

by Kids Forward | September 25, 2018

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 24, 2018
CONTACT: Wenona Wolf, Communication and Development Manager, Kids Forward, 608-284-0580 x 304

Over the past week, the abuse of federal power that has become routine on the southern border has invaded Wisconsin communities from Madison to Milwaukee to Green Bay, and across our state.

This is not about criminals or terrorism. This is not about ICE’s intended mission. Our friends and neighbors are being targeted, deceived, and traumatized by undercover ICE agents misrepresenting themselves as local authorities. These raids and attempts at intimidation do nothing to make our communities safer and fly in the face of agreed upon protocols with local law enforcement.

Kids Forward stands with communities and organizational partners across the state in resisting this practice of instigating fear. Together we will remain strong in these times of injustice and uncertainty.

Please, join us in standing with immigrant children and families across the state. As an organization, we recognize the importance of collective resistance to these tactics. Wisconsinites must protect each other against this federal abuse of power.

If you’re looking to support communities impacted, here’s what you can do:

  • The families of detainees need support as they are navigating the emotional and legal trauma that accompanies such incidences while also having to continue to try to make ends meet in the absence of detained household members. To help families in Dane County with concrete needs, please donate to the Dane County Immigrant Assistance Fund: Please also consider donating to Voces de la Frontera in support of their mission to protect and expand civil rights and workers’ rights.
  • VOTE on November 6th and in every election! We can change harmful policies by changing the people that are elected to represent us. For more information on the midterm elections and how you can prioritize racial justice during the upcoming elections, visit:
  • Participate in community forums to learn more and find out how to be an even better advocate for justice at events like: The Dane County Immigration Assistance Collaborative: Friday October 26th 2018 1-5p at Centro Hispano and others like it.


Kids Forward advocates for effective, long-lasting solutions that break down barriers to success for children and families in Wisconsin. Using research and a community-informed approach, Kids Forward works to help every kid, every family, and every community thrive.

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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