Kids Forward Stands with Wisconsinites as They Exercise Their Right to Vote

by William Parke Sutherland | November 2, 2020

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CONTACT:       Ken Taylor, Executive Director, (608) 206-5237

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MADISON, WI – Kids Forward stands with every Wisconsinite as they exercise their right to vote. The election must be conducted free from interference or intimidation so everyone who wants to vote and is eligible can vote, where all the votes are fairly counted, and the results of the election are respected.  At Kids Forward, we work hard every day so that every child thrives, especially children of color and those furthest from opportunity.  As we face the entwined national crises of a global pandemic, economic recession, and a reckoning with race, the work we do for every child, every family, and every community in Wisconsin is more important than ever. Elections always matter, and this election is particularly consequential.

At this time, if you have not already mailed your absentee ballot, please plan to vote in person or drop off your ballot at a dropbox or your polling place. If you vote in person you should check, or contact your local clerk, to ensure you are able to access your polling place in the event it has changed.

Another important consideration aside from the logistics of voting is health and safety. If you vote in person, please practice social distancing, use hand sanitizer while in the polling place, and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as soon as possible after voting.

As the election draws to a close, there are four main things that are essential:

  1. Every registered voter has the right to vote, safely and free from suppression;
  2. All votes must be counted, without interference or intimidation;
  3. Incidents of voter suppression, possible fraud, or other election irregularities must be investigated impartially and remedied as appropriate;
  4. The true election results must be respected by candidates and their supporters, regardless of who wins. It is also important to note that with high turn-out and high levels of mail in and absentee ballots, it is very unlikely that there will be final results on election day.

We at Kids Forward do not know what the days ahead will bring, but we do know that we will continue to stand up for the children, families, and communities of Wisconsin.  Kids Forward also knows that policy matters. As we enter 2021, we will work to protect the healthcare rights of Wisconsinites, secure an equitable economy, and dismantle systemic racial inequities. We, along with all of you, must confront the entwined crises burdening so many in our state.  Having a free, fair and respected election is an important step in that process.

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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