Lame Duck Legislature is Changing the Rules and Throwing Wisconsin Voters Under the Bus

by William Parke Sutherland | December 6, 2018

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CONTACT: Ken Taylor, CEO/Executive Director, Kids Forward, 608-284-0580 x 302

On Friday afternoon, the GOP-controlled Wisconsin legislature introduced a number of bills aimed at curtailing the power of Governor-elect Evers and Attorney General-elect Kaul. With extremely limited time for debate, public testimony, or analysis, the Legislature voted along party lines to adopt almost all of these drastic changes. They are now on their way to outgoing Governor Walker who has signaled his support for the legislation.

With less than a week and no meaningful public or stakeholder input, the legislature is thwarting the will of the people of Wisconsin who voted to take the state in a new direction.. This blatantly partisan power-grab flies in the face of the separation of powers and principles of good government. From health care, to voting rights, to making improvements in the lives of people with disabilities, these bills will harm Wisconsin children and families.

All across Wisconsin, voters chose to elect candidates who pledged to put children, families, and communities first. They voted for expanding access to health care, protecting coverage for people with pre-existing conditions by preserving the Affordable Care Act, and funding public education among other issues. The voters’ intent was clear. Elections are supposed to have consequences, but Assembly and Senate Republicans would rather undermine our democracy than share power and negotiate in good faith. In doing so, they are attempting the silence the voices of large numbers of voters of color who voted three to one to move Wisconsin in a different direction.

When Governor Walker was first elected, he asked then ongoing Governor Jim Doyle to halt his agenda out of respect for the will of the voters. He asked Gov. Doyle to stop implementation of the Affordable Care Act, stop making permanent hires, and not propose any more administrative rules or other changes. Gov. Doyle honored most of these requests. Now Scott Walker is doing just the opposite of what he asked for and was given by his predecessor.

Legislative leaders had hoped their actions would go un-noticed, but they weren’t so lucky. Thousands of Wisconsinites gathered at the Capitol building and hundreds waited hours for their chance to voice opposition to this shameful act. Kids Forward calls on Governor Walker to extend to Governor-elect Evers the same respect and courtesy that he was shown by Governor Doyle and veto these ill-conceived, harmful bills.


Kids Forward advocates for effective, long-lasting solutions that break down barriers to success for children and families in Wisconsin. Using research and a community-informed approach, Kids Forward works to help every kid, every family, and every community thrive.


Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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