May 24th and 26th JFC agendas include K-12 and Medicaid issues (among many others)

by Kids Forward | May 20, 2011

Home 9 Tax and Budget 9 May 24th and 26th JFC agendas include K-12 and Medicaid issues (among many others) ( Page 22 )

The Joint Finance Committee is scheduled to meet twice next week –Tuesday, May 24th and Thursday, May 26th.  Both executive sessions are supposed to begin at 11 AM in Room 412 East in the State Capitol.  On Tuesday, the committee is scheduled to vote on issues related to the Department of Health Services (including Medicaid-related issues), Department of Employee Trust Funds, the Government Accountability Board, and the Department of Transportation.

Thursday’s issue areas include the Department of Public Instruction, Educational Communications Board, Higher Educational Aids Board, Department of Administration, Department of Workforce Development, and Department of Natural Resources.  Some of these topics were previously scheduled and then set over.

Joint Finance Co-chair Robin Vos has said that the Committee plans to finish its work on the budget by June 4th, according to the WisPolitics budget blog. Vos has told members to keep keep Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday open next week. He also told them to keep open Tuesday through Saturday the following week.

A WI Budget Project blog post today contains direct links to a number of the various papers.

Watch our Comparative Summary of the budget to monitor the Finance Committee’s actions.

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Response to Governor Evers’ Budget Proposal

Response to Governor Evers’ Budget Proposal

Last night in his budget address, Governor Evers leveraged our state’s historically strong fiscal position to reimagine a Wisconsin that does more to provide every child and family with a solid foundation to live a happy and healthy life.

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