Moving Forward in Implementing Evidence-Based Practices

by Kids Forward | March 2, 2011

Home 9 Youth Justice 9 Moving Forward in Implementing Evidence-Based Practices ( Page 5 )
As momentum continues to grow around implementing best practices, evidence-based practices, research-based practices — OK, so pick the term you want to use – the point is how do we use the body of research about what works to improve practice in the juvenile justice world?  And, how do we transition our systems from what we now do to what we should do – keeping the good things and losing the not-so-useful things?  One of the leading researchers, Mark Lipsey, talks about the barriers and hopes are for system change in a short video through Reclaiming Futures.  If you want to get a sense of where Wisconsin is trying to move, check it out – it’s consistent with initiatives through the Office of Justice Assistance, in partnership with the Southern Regional Training Partnership, to transform local systems and practices.

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