Take note that National Crime Victim’s Rights Week is coming up next week. While WCCF normally is focusing on offenders, we also know that the “gap” between many youth being offenders and victims isn’t always great – many of them have been victims of/exposed to domestic violence, abuse, and other trauma that has impacted their lives. In addition, those of us advocating for developmentally appropriate interventions for youthful offenders need to recognize, as do the offenders themselves, how their behavior can impact those around them – sometimes as a start to helping them earn their way back into their communities.
New Report: Medicaid Vital to Health & Wellness of Wisconsin’s Rural Communities
Contact: Emily Miota, 262-853-6863, emiota@kidsforward.org About One in Three Rural Wisconsin Children Count on Medicaid for Health Care Coverage A new report shows just how much Wisconsin families rely on Medicaid/BadgerCare in both rural and urban communities....