Nearly Half the States Move Forward on Juvenile Justice Reform

by Kids Forward | October 11, 2013

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As WCCF works with others in the Wisconsin 2nd Chance Alliance to raise the age of adult court jurisdiction to age 18 for first-time, non-violent youth we take note that a recent report, Removing Youth from the Adult Criminal Justice System, published by the Campaign for Youth Justice highlights changes in 23 states between 2001 and 2013. Changes include states that have raise the age of jurisdiction, limited the placement of youth in adult facilities, or modified their transfer/waiver statutes to keep more youth in juvenile court.

The trend is a recognition that the juvenile system is better able to promote community safety and get youth back on track, and over 40 pieces of legislation have been passed across these states.  This is not about “if others are doing it, I guess we should do it too”.  It is about choosing a path that is demonstrating effectiveness across the nation.      by Jim Moeser

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


Explained: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Explained: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Wisconsin relies far too much on incarceration and blames children for system-wide failures. Instead of incarceration, a better investment for Wisconsin’s youth is in basic needs such as health, housing, and employment.  Wisconsin should reimagine a community-based continuum of care grounded in youth voice, emerging adult research, and cross-system collaboration. 

Testimony: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Testimony: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Kids Forward supports SB801/AB845, which would eliminate juvenile life without parole. This critical advancement towards a more developmentally appropriate juvenile justice system will reduce and repair harm, decrease racial disparities, increase child and family wellbeing, and increase opportunities for community-based alternatives to incarceration. 

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