New HHS Grant Opportunity for Innovative Approaches to Reduce Preterm Births

by Kids Forward | February 10, 2012

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This week the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a new grant opportunity relating to reducing preterm births. The intent of the “Strong Start” initiative is to test maternity care options that improve birth outcomes for women with Medicaid coverage who are at risk of having a preterm birth. In light of the high rate of preterm births in some parts of the state and the very substantial racial disparities, I hope providers and health agencies in Wisconsin develop strong proposals.

HHS will award up to $43.2 million through a competitive process to providers, States, and managed care plans to achieve better care, improved health, and lower costs for pregnant Medicaid beneficiaries and their newborns. The goal of the initiative is to determine if these approaches to care can impact the rate of preterm births, improve the health outcomes of pregnant women and newborns and decrease the anticipated total cost of medical care over the first year of life for children born to mothers in the Medicaid program.According to the HHS website, “the intent of this initiative is to engage with a wide variety of interested parties” who have developed innovative approaches for improving prenatal care. Eligible applicants include:
     •  Providers of obstetric care (e.g. provider groups or affiliated providers and facilities),
     •  State Medicaid agencies,
     •  Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs), and
     •  Conveners in partnership with other applicants.

Interested parties who wish to apply for a grant must submit a non-binding Letter of Intent by March 16, 2012. That must be followed by a Letter of Intent by March 21 and a full application by June 13, 2012 (5:00 pm EST).

To learn more about the Strong Start Medicaid funding opportunity, including eligibility criteria, letter of intent and application procedures, please read the Funding Opportunity Announcement.

Jon Peacock

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