New Report on Poor Child Care Wages

by Kids Forward | November 24, 2015

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 New Report on Poor Child Care Wages ( Page 9 )

The Economic Policy Institute just issued a report,  Child care workers aren’t paid enough to make ends meet. Not startling news to those in the early childhood field, but the data is stunning, and provides Wisconsin-specific information: Some key findings:

  • Child care workers receive very low hourly pay
  • Very few child care workers receive job-based benefits
  • Most child care workers do not have incomes high enough to make ends meet
  • In Wisconsin, the cost of child care exceeds the cost of public college tuition:
    • Full-time child care for 4-year-olds costs 113% of college tuition
    • Full-time infant child care costs 137.8% of college tuition

child care pay












It’s time for a major change.

Dave Edie, Early Education Policy Analyst

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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