OJA Announces Truancy Prevention & Reduction Grants Available

by Kids Forward | May 13, 2010

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Today OJA posted a funding announcement for $900,000 over a three year period to jurisdictions to develop School-based Truancy Prevention and Reduction Initiatives targeting middle school youth. They anticipate awarding four grants of approximately up to $225,000 each over that three-year period.

School districts, CESAs, and tribal school districts located within the state of Wisconsin are eligible to apply. Multi-agency, public/private, and/or multi-school district collaborative applications are encouraged. Projects must use an evidence-based model program or evidence-based principles

Applications are due June 22, and there are technical assistance pre-application conference calls set up – check it out and join a growing number of districts around Wisconsin finding success in reducing truancy.

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Rich Get Richer under Proposed Tax Plan

Rich Get Richer under Proposed Tax Plan

From Racine to Rhinelander, everyone in Wisconsin deserves the freedom to make a good living and care for our families. However, the tax plan proposed by Republican legislative leadership would further rig the rules in favor of the wealthiest and make Wisconsin’s glaring racial disparities even worse. The four proposals leave everyday families even further behind because none of these tax proposals effectively target families who are struggling to make ends meet.

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