Open Enrollment Starts Today, Get the Facts and Get Covered!

by William Parke Sutherland | November 1, 2019

Home 9 Health Care 9 Affordable Care Act (ACA) 9 Open Enrollment Starts Today, Get the Facts and Get Covered!

We at Kids Forward believe that everyone deserves access to high quality, affordable health insurance and health care. We’ve made progress, but still over 300,000 Wisconsinites remain uninsured, and our state still has wide racial disparities in access to affordable care and coverage. We’re encouraged to see increased support and coordination for open enrollment this year, so Wisconsin can take steps to make sure more people get covered.

Today, Friday, November 1 is the first day that people can sign up for health insurance for 2020 under the Affordable Care Act. Open enrollment will close after December 15, 2019. There has been a lot of noise about health care the past couple years, so here are the facts:

  1. To get covered through the ACA for 2020 you need sign up by Dec. 15, 2019.
  2. About 8 out of 10 people qualify for financial assistance to help cover health care costs, and in some cases the subsidies will cover the full premium.
  3. There are experts available who are trained to help you select a plan and enroll in health insurance. Contact Covering Wisconsin to set up an appointment with local application assistors.
  4. The Evers administration has launched the Get Covered Wisconsin awareness campaign at to help Wisconsin residents better understand their health care options.
  5. Whether you’re eligible for BadgerCare or a need an ACA plan on, health care navigators and others across the state will help Wisconsin residents get the health insurance that meets their needs.
  6. Be wary of insurance sold off the ACA Marketplace. Some insurance you can buy may be cheaper, but is not required to offer you the care you may need, such as mental health, prescription drugs, or maternity care. Those companies can also charge you more based on your health status. The safest option is to make sure you get your insurance through or or by contacting Covering Wisconsin.

Those who have been through open enrollment understand that window shopping on is helpful, but having someone to sift through options with you is invaluable. Your plan may no longer be the best option for you, so even if you’re okay with your current plan you should shop around to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

Navigators and Certified Application Counselors have training and tools that help you to determine which insurance plan will best meet your health care needs and your budget. Remember, the vast majority of individuals and families who purchase health insurance through will qualify for financial assistance, and many will find plans with monthly premiums between $0 and $100.

Navigators and Certified Application Counselors can help make sure your application is complete and can explain how you might qualify for financial assistance to keep your costs low. Here’s how to make sure you’re covered for next year:

  • You can go to to make an appointment to get help face-to-face or over the phone;
  • Call 2-1-1 for assistance in booking an appointment for free, local help, or;
  • Go to to understand your health care options and get connected and covered.

Make your health a priority for 2020. Reach out to someone who can help and sign up for health insurance today!

William Parke-Sutherland

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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