Following a biennium in which the Youth Aids Allocation was reduced by about 17%(about 10% of which was a permanent reduction that becomes the “base” for 2013-15 and about $7 million that was “lapsed” back to the general fund) two of the three juvenile correctional institutions (JCI) were closed, and the daily rates charged to counties were increased, the 2013-15 proposal regrettably does not restore all of the reductions while still increasing the daily charges to counties for services.
10/17: Improving Language Access in Wisconsin
[texto en español a continuación] Breaking Barriers Improving Language Access in Wisconsin Thursday, October 17, 1 - 3pmD.J. Bordini Center-Fox Valley Technical College [google map]5 N Systems Dr, Appleton, WI 54914 This event is FREE and open to all healthcare...