Kids Forward is a statewide antiracist policy center that inspires action and advocates for children and families of color and those furthest from opportunity in Wisconsin. We envision a Wisconsin where every child thrives.


Updates & Publications

Explained: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Explained: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Wisconsin relies far too much on incarceration and blames children for system-wide failures. Instead of incarceration, a better investment for Wisconsin’s youth is in basic needs such as health, housing, and employment.  Wisconsin should reimagine a community-based continuum of care grounded in youth voice, emerging adult research, and cross-system collaboration. 

Testimony: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Testimony: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Kids Forward supports SB801/AB845, which would eliminate juvenile life without parole. This critical advancement towards a more developmentally appropriate juvenile justice system will reduce and repair harm, decrease racial disparities, increase child and family wellbeing, and increase opportunities for community-based alternatives to incarceration. 

Community Explainer: Rich Get Richer Under Proposed Tax Plan

Community Explainer: Rich Get Richer Under Proposed Tax Plan

Four tax proposals are making their way through the state legislature now, which would line the wallets of Wisconsin’s wealthy & overwhelmingly white. We anticipate them getting to the Governor’s desk by the end of the month. 

Rich Get Richer under Proposed Tax Plan

Rich Get Richer under Proposed Tax Plan

From Racine to Rhinelander, everyone in Wisconsin deserves the freedom to make a good living and care for our families. However, the tax plan proposed by Republican legislative leadership would further rig the rules in favor of the wealthiest and make Wisconsin’s glaring racial disparities even worse. The four proposals leave everyday families even further behind because none of these tax proposals effectively target families who are struggling to make ends meet.

Fact Sheet: Every Healthy Baby Starts with Healthy Parents

Fact Sheet: Every Healthy Baby Starts with Healthy Parents

The below fact sheet was developed by Kids Forward and the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is supported by Raising Wisconsin. Providing postpartum Medicaid coverage for 12 months will help ensure both parents and babies in Wisconsin thrive...

Beyond Borders

A Series on the Diversity of Immigrants and Refugees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has been shaped by successive waves of newcomers seeking refuge, opportunity, and a place to call home. Our immigration and refugee series explores the significance and diversity of the immigrant narrative in shaping the past, present, and future of Wisconsin.


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Race to Equity 10-Year Report: Dane County

The Race to Equity 10-Year Report unpacks how race, class, and, in some cases, gender impact Black Dane County residents.

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