Physicians Take on Eliminating Childhood Poverty

by Kids Forward | May 17, 2013

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The American Pediatrics Association (APA) and the Academy of American Pediatricians (AAP) has recently issued a Task Force Report on Childhood Poverty: A Strategic Roadmap Committed to Bringing the Voice of Pediatricians to the Most Important Problem Facing Children in the US Today.  This report is a powerful statement about the harmful effects of poverty on children and lays out a series of critical policy and investment recommendations that are aimed at alleviating the harmful effects of poverty on child development and eliminating childhood poverty altogether. One in five children in Amercia is growing up in poverty, and while Wisconsin’s a bit better (one in six), we are unfortunately “catching  up” to the national average at a faster rate than many other states.  The document provides a strong commitment from those very well-respected pediatricians to address many of the social determinants of poverty as well as identifying policies and practices that can change the future for millions of our children. 

The documents affirm that while the challenge is great, it is also not “rocket science” – that there are things that can be done if we can raise our voices and generate the political will to do them. It has never been a question of whether we can afford to do something – it has always been can we afford not to?  We are in the middle of a state budget cycle in which decisions are getting made – get involved and let your legislators know that their decisions impact the future of thousands of children in Wisconsin.                            by Jim Moeser

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