President Obama’s Budget Proposal related to Juvenile Justice

by Kids Forward | February 2, 2010

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Based on information provided by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice “Yesterday, President Obama released his Budget Proposal for FY 2011, including proposed funding levels for programs administered by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) at the U.S. Department of Justice….
In contrast to the FY 2010 budget proposal, the President’s FY 2011 budget proposes several new programs, and eliminates, reconfigures or combines several existing programs….One of the most significant changes of note: unlike last year, the President’s proposes to eliminate all of the set-asides/earmarks on the JJDPA Title V program, proposing that a full $62 million be made available to the states for Title V purposes! ……” and “…the President’s proposal eliminates the line item for all “demonstration programs,” which typically houses all of the congressional earmarks on justice programs, including juvenile justice programs. For FY 2010, this line item totaled $91 million…There remain some problematic areas that will require additional education and advocacy going forward. Specifically, the FY 2011 budget proposal:

 reduces the Title II allocation from $75 million to $72 million;

 dramatically cuts the JABG allocation from $55 million to $40 million; and

 still does not articulate funding for OJJDP that is distinct and/or differentiated from OJP..”

You can also find information on the overall budget as it relates to children’s programs, including youth development, prevention, and juvenile justice program funding from the Child Welfare League of America.

Watch for more information in the next Youth Initiatives Newsletter.

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