Press Releases
Wisconsin Decision Makers Choose the Wealthiest 1% over Struggling Children & Families
Late last night, the republican-controlled Joint Finance Committee gutted the supports that struggling families across Wisconsin desperately need.
Inaccessible and Unaffordable Child Care Pushes Wisconsin Families to the Breaking Point
Wisconsin’s lack of accessible child care short-changes children and makes getting to work for parents difficult, while those who can find care struggle to pay for it. This costs the economy billions of dollars a year and holds women back professionally, especially women of color.
Broad Coalition Urges Governor to Stand with Families and Veto Restrictions on Public Supports
26 Wisconsin groups called on Governor Evers to veto bills that could reduce access to health care and unemployment insurance benefits for thousands of Wisconsin families.
This May Day, Wisconsin Can Lift up Its Immigrant Families by Restoring Driver Licenses for All
On May Day: A Day without Latinx and Immigrants, Wisconsin lawmakers can lift up every family by restoring driver licenses for all. This would help keep families together, increase economic opportunities for working families, ensure safer roads, and boost state revenue.
Media Contact
Emily Miota (she/her)
Communications Director
Kids Forward in the News
New grants designed to give WI ‘farm to school’ efforts more muscle (Public News Service)
New rule ensures continued Medicaid coverage for children for a year (Wisconsin Examiner)
10 Years Later: Race To Equity (WORT)
Black Dane County residents face ‘profound and persistent’ racial disparities, report finds (Daily Cardinal)
Racism, inequality, embedded in ‘fabric of the community,’ report from Wisconsin county says (The Grio)
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