Race to Equity: 10-Years Later
The 10-Year Report unpacks how race, class, and, in some cases, gender impact Black Dane County residents.
DACA Recipients in Wisconsin
One of the most impactful federal policies we have to support immigrants in Wisconsin is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Standing up for Racial Justice: A Starter Guide on Policy & Advocacy in Wisconsin
This guide serves as a tool that engages diverse populations to take action and advocate for policies that equitably serve all children and families.
Staff Shortages Have a ‘Profound Impact’ on Youth Caught up in Wisconsin’s Justice System
We focus today on the urgent and critical staffing shortage in youth prisons.
Q&A: How a Flat Income Tax Would Harm Children and Families in Wisconsin
There’s been talk lately about a flat income tax, but how would it harm children and families in Wisconsin?
Amidst COVID-19, Government Support Helped Many Wisconsin Children and Families Stay Afloat
COVID-19 relief measures have given us a strong blueprint for addressing poverty for millions.
2022 Kids Count Data Book: Wisconsin’s Children of Color More Likely to Face Mental Health Issues
Anxiety and depression are rising among Wisconsin’s youth, especially children of color.
Protecting Local Control: Lawmakers Harm Communities of Color
This report shines a light on the expansion of laws in Wisconsin that restrict—or ‘preempt’—the power of local elected officials and voters.
Weakening Assistance for Families Would Weaken the Workforce
The COVID pandemic and the recession it caused illustrated the tremendous importance of public benefit programs like BadgerCare, FoodShare, and Unemployment...
Tax Shift Would Hike Taxes for People with Low Incomes and Give a Big Tax Cut to the Top 1%
At the Start of the New Year, Minimum Wages Went up in 21 States. Wisconsin Wasn’t One of Them.
Low-paid workers across the country are getting raises because 21 states and 35 cities and counties increased their minimum wages around the beginning of the...
TANF at 25: Failing to Meet the Needs of WI Families
On August 22 of this year, the law creating the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program (TANF) turns 25 years old, and that’s not a cause for...
Wisconsin Lawmakers Directed Far More Resources to an Income Tax Cut than Other Critical Priorities
The huge tax cut that Wisconsin lawmakers passed in the state budget far outstrips the minimal investments they made in critical priorities like education,...
Wisconsin Legislators Fail To Approve Budget Measures That Would Help Immigrants Thrive
The Wisconsin Legislature passed a state budget that stripped out several provisions introduced by Governor Evers that would expand opportunity for immigrant...
Wisconsin’s Legislators Fail to Invest in Higher Education
Wisconsin’s Legislators Fail to Invest in Higher Education During a time of unprecedented revenue growth, the Legislature approved a higher education budget...
Wisconsin’s Legislators Fail to Invest in Public Schools
The 2021-23 Budget for K-12 Education Wisconsin students across the state deserve access to an excellent public education, and Wisconsin residents should be...
Summary of Governor’s Proposed Budget for Early Education Issues
The events of 2020 made the importance of investing in early education more obvious than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic shined a light on the fact that child...
Summary of Governor’s Proposed Budget for Immigrant Issues
Governor Evers has proposed a budget that removes barriers to driver licenses for undocumented immigrants, allows undocumented students to qualify for...
Promoting Racial Equity: A Central and Essential Theme of the Governor’s Budget
Download as PDF Introduction The events of the past year have made the deep, longstanding racial disparities in our nation much more obvious. The COVID-19...
The Governor’s Proposed Budget for K-12 Education Increases Support for Public Schools and Promotes Racial Equity
Governor Evers has proposed a budget that significantly increases aid for Wisconsin’s public schools, targets additional resources at identified needs,...
Systemic Solutions Required to Address Pandemic’s Devastating Impact on Children and Families
It has been an unimaginable past twelve months since the nation and the state of Wisconsin came to a standstill to begin what would be the worst crisis to hit...
Governor Proposes Change to Boost Revenue and Improve Tax Equity
The Governor’s budget proposes significant changes in tax policy, including closing income tax loopholes that favor the rich and powerful, and increasing tax...
We provide community partners and decision makers with the insight, tools, research, and analysis they need to advocate for a Wisconsin where every child and family has the opportunity to thrive.
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