WCCF is pleased that Representative Fred Kessler has taken the lead in drafting a bill to raise the age of adult court jurisdiction in Wisconsin back to age 18 – beginning with misdemeanor and less serious offenses as early as July 2010 and for all youth as of July 1, 2011. A press conference in Milwaukee today, Representative Kessler announced the plan to circulate a bill draft next week for introduction in February. View the WCCF press release and watch for further information about the details of the proposal in the coming weeks.
Explained: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin
Wisconsin relies far too much on incarceration and blames children for system-wide failures. Instead of incarceration, a better investment for Wisconsin’s youth is in basic needs such as health, housing, and employment. Wisconsin should reimagine a community-based continuum of care grounded in youth voice, emerging adult research, and cross-system collaboration.