Senate Committee Endorses Constitutional Limits on State and Local Revenue and Spending

by Kids Forward | March 6, 2012

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SJR 48 Would Also Allow Local Governments to Exempt Themselves from Mandates
There are too many constitutional amendments under consideration in the state capitol now to keep up with all of them, but we’re trying as best we can.   One of them, Senate Joint Resolution 48, was endorsed by a Senate Committee today.  It would build into the Wisconsin Constitution detailed formulas for capping state and local revenue and spending.  It would also establish grounds for local governments to exempt themselves from state-imposed mandates. 
Read more about SJR 48 in today’s Wisconsin Budget Project Blog post

Jon Peacock

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Wisconsin Youth Conversations

Wisconsin Youth Conversations

healthTIDE and Kids Forward hosted four Healthy Food Youth Conversations with 30 middle and high school Latino, Black, and Asian students from Milwaukee, Appleton, and Stevens Point, which took place between December 2023 and January 2024.

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