Sex Trafficking and Child Exploitation – A Quick Overview

by Kids Forward | May 30, 2014

Home 9 Child Safety 9 Sex Trafficking and Child Exploitation – A Quick Overview

There is an awareness of the increasing frequency of child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking and an increasing recognition that our systems are not as well-prepared as we need to be to respond to these situations. In a short brief, Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors in Wisconsin, we’ve outlined just some basics about the applicable statutes, some sample research related to the pervasiveness of exploitation that is part of the history of particularly girls caught up in the juvenile justice system, and some policy and practice recommendations to better serve youth caught up on sex trafficking.

This short brief follows on the publication earlier this month of a more substantive policy brief on working better with dual-status youth, youth with a foot in the worlds of juvenile justice and child welfare.

by Jim Moeser

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