Sound Familiar? – Illinois struggling with decisions related to juvenile correctional institution while federal cuts proposed endanger the progress that has been made

by Kids Forward | October 26, 2011

Home 9 Youth Justice 9 Sound Familiar? – Illinois struggling with decisions related to juvenile correctional institution while federal cuts proposed endanger the progress that has been made ( Page 11 )

While Wisconsin made the leap to consolidate its juvenile correctional institutions, Illinois is struggling with similar issues. Throughout the nation, approximately 50 secure juvenile centers/programs have closed in 18 states, and the state of Illinois and some counties are facing the tough decisions about how best to deploy resources when there has been a significant decline in youth arrests and incarcerations.

This is being played out at the state level as well as the local level, as the DuPage County Juvenile Center has been the focus of debate now for months – a declining population and the potential to save money has placed one of the premier juvenile detention programs in jeopardy.

At the same time, cuts being proposed in Congress for juvenile justice funds endanger the progress that has been made in states and counties in developing successful prevention and intervention programs that have contributed to the decline in youth arrests and victimization. It is problematic when the rhetoric about what does not work (investing in prisons and incarceration) seems to outweigh the evidence about what does work (strategic, evidence-based, community-based programs) for almost all youthful offenders. 

Jim Moeser

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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Testimony: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

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