State and Federal Budget Resources

by Kids Forward | March 15, 2013

Home 9 Tax and Budget 9 State and Federal Budget Resources ( Page 4 )

The Wisconsin Budget Project has prepared a number of short papers about various aspects of the 2013-15 budget bill, and we’re working on a couple more. You can find those papers and much more on the “All Things Budget” part of the Budget Project’s website. 

We’re using a different format this session. Instead of creating one comprehensive and detailed summary, we’ve been preparing a series of short papers. We hope this format is more user-friendly and does a better job of providing the context for each issue area. We would appreciate your feedback as you use our material. And if you’re interested in state budget issues and don’t already see the Budget Project’s Blog posts, we encourage you to sign up here. For anyone with a thirst for detailed information about the state budget, there’s good news because the Legislative Fiscal Bureau has completed its extremely comprehensive summary of the Governor’s budget.

On the federal budget front – three different federal budget plans were offered this week, by Congressman Ryan, Senator Murray and the House Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC). The National Priorities Projects put together a very useful side-by-side comparison of the three federal budget plans, which also contrasts those proposals with relevant polling data.

Jon Peacock

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