Test Your Knowledge about Taxes

by Kids Forward | April 17, 2012

Home 9 Tax and Budget 9 Test Your Knowledge about Taxes

Do you think you know a lot about government revenue? Perhaps, but take a minute or two to find out by taking a quick look at a few new resources from the Wisconsin Budget Project and others.

  • Test your knowledge of taxes and spending in Wisconsin – The WI Budget Project has prepared an updated and abbreviated version of our tax and spending quiz. Take a minute to take the 6 multiple choice questions and see how much you know about how Wisconsin compares with other states and about the tax trends in our state.
  • Top Ten Tax Facts – This short list of interesting tax tidbits (really!) is an easily digestible overview of key facts you should know about the U.S. revenue system if you have any interest in public policy issues. It’s part of a series prepared by Demos and The American Prospect.
  • Top Ten Tax Charts – If you like to absorb information visually through charts, check out this very informative set of ten charts prepared by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, illustrating ten key lessons about U.S. taxes and spending.
  • Who pays taxes in Wisconsin? – Yesterday’s Budget Project Blog post taxes a look at the question of whether low-income people in our state pay taxes and how their taxes compare to those paid by high-income Wisconsinites.

See also today’s Budget Project Blog post: 5 Ways to Improve Wisconsin’s Tax System (And Why It’s So Important that We Get It Right)

Jon Peacock

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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