The Case against Using Mortgage Settlement Funds to Reduce the State Deficit

by Kids Forward | February 13, 2012

Home 9 Child Safety 9 The Case against Using Mortgage Settlement Funds to Reduce the State Deficit ( Page 14 )

Journal Sentinel and NY Times Editorials Argue against Diverting the Settlement Funding

Both the New York Times and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorialized over the weekend against the use of the new mortgage settlement dollars to help close state deficits. As the Journal Sentinel wrote: “With so many families in Milwaukee – and other Wisconsin communities – hurting under the pain of the foreclosure crisis, that money should be distributed to communities around the state for remediation.”

A new Wisconsin Budget Project Blog post examines the issue and notes: “It’s somewhat surprising that the Governor would make such a proposal, in light of his criticism of similar funding shifts in the past that closed deficits with one-time money, and in view of his opposition to transfers from segregated funds, such as the patients’ compensation fund.”
Jon Peacock

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