The Roadmap to Equity: A Two Generation Approach to Reducing Racial Disparities in Dane County

by William Parke Sutherland | February 1, 2016

Home 9 Race to Equity 9 The Roadmap to Equity: A Two Generation Approach to Reducing Racial Disparities in Dane County ( Page 88 )

The Roadmap to Equity: A Two Generation Approach to Reducing Racial Disparities in Dane County is a response to the data on the county’s severe racial disparities first identified in the Race to Equity Baseline Report released in October of 2013. The Roadmap is organized around the broad theme of “Supporting More Parents to Succeed in Today’s Economy; Preparing More Young People to Succeed in Tomorrow’s World.” It calls upon all sectors of the community to work toward three overarching and inter-related goals.

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