The US Senate takes up the call for Reform of the School to Prison Pipeline

by Kids Forward | December 17, 2012

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 The US Senate takes up the call for Reform of the School to Prison Pipeline ( Page 4 )

The evidence is clear – frequent school suspensions place youth at greater risk of a host of “rotten outcomes”, not the least of which is involvement in the juvenile or criminal justice system. Noting that this is a nationwide problem, Senator Dick Durbin held a hearing last Wednesday of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights on the School to Prison Pipeline.

Racial disparities in suspensions are evident throughout Wisconsin, and more and more districts around the state and country are looking for ways to reduce suspensions and reduce these disparate results. Looking to blame someone does not help – looking to find solutions does, and you can view the Senate Hearing and hear powerful presentations about some of these efforts that give hope we can find ways to ensure that all youth are engaged in school and get on the right track to adulthood.

Additionally, the National Juvenile Justice Network platform, Safe and Effective School Disciplinary Policies and Practices lays out some basic principles that advocates can use to promote progress in reducing the school to prison pipeline.                                By Jim Moeser

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