They’re Back – A Policy Platform on Youth Reentry/Aftercare

by Kids Forward | August 12, 2010

Home 9 Youth Justice 9 They’re Back – A Policy Platform on Youth Reentry/Aftercare

The National Juvenile Justice Network has released a new policy platform document on Youth Reentry/Aftercare – providing policy makers and advocates some basic guidelines and ideas to work toward when youth are placed in residential or correctional facilities.  One of the things we do know about almost all youth who are placed in a facility is that they will be coming back to the community.  Even in the best of worlds where the facility programs are well-run, in which youth learn new useful skills, and youth are motivated to make positive changes, making that transition back successfully will not just happen.  Like other platforms from NJJN, this one covers the basics of what can be a pretty complex component – but, the bottom line is that we need to spend as much, if not more,  time and resources on reentry as we do on placement.  Check it out!

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