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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 8, 2021CONTACT: William Parke-Sutherland, 608-284-0580 x 317Erica Nelson, 608-284-0580 x 321 Download as PDF We are deeply disappointed that the budget includes such a hastily designed and regressive tax cut that will do little to help...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 6, 2021CONTACT: Jon Peacock, 608-556-6271William Parke-Sutherland, 608-720-9405 Download as PDF In a letter to Governor Evers today, Kids Forward urged him to veto part of the budget bill and work with state legislators to develop a...
The 2021-23 Budget for K-12 Education Wisconsin students across the state deserve access to an excellent public education, and Wisconsin residents should be able to enjoy the economic benefits generated by a first-class public school system. To ensure that the doors...
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