Vicky Gunderson from La Crosse Carries Kirk’s Voice to Washington

by Kids Forward | December 9, 2010

Home 9 Youth Justice 9 Vicky Gunderson from La Crosse Carries Kirk’s Voice to Washington ( Page 2 )
Youth advocates gathered in WashingtonD.C. on December 5th to rally for more investments in delinquency prevention and treating youth appropriately in the justice system.  Vicky’s simple message on behalf of her son Kirk is that children should not be treated as adults – subject to confinement as adults, subject to the lifelong negative labeling that results from an adult conviction, and subject to the lack of developmentally appropriate services that are provided by the juvenile system.  Vicky continues to honor her son, Kirk, and be a strong voice for fair treatment of youthful offenders – treatment that is not only better for the youth but also benefits the community. 

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