Webinar 4/6: How Could Wisconsin’s Budget Impact Racial Disparities?

by Kids Forward | March 20, 2023

Home 9 Tax and Budget 9 Webinar 4/6: How Could Wisconsin’s Budget Impact Racial Disparities? ( Page 14 )
Home 9 Tax and Budget 9 Webinar 4/6: How Could Wisconsin’s Budget Impact Racial Disparities? ( Page 14 )

How could Wisconsin’s Budget Impact Racial Disparities?

Thursday, April 6
12:30 – 2pm CST

Every child and family in Wisconsin deserves to live safe, happy, and healthy lives, regardless of race or ethnicity, zip code, or immigration status. But for too long, some politicians have rigged the rules in favor of the wealthiest few at the expense of Wisconsin’s families. 

We need to address the unjust barriers that affect communities of color more severely.

The Wisconsin state budget is an opportunity to rewrite the rules, ensure the wealthiest pay what they owe, and provide our communities with better schools, quality affordable health care, and more. Does the Governor’s budget proposal address racial disparities and, if so, how?


In addition to the Kids Forward team, we were honored to have the following leaders join us:

Cendi Tena

Co-Executive Director
Leaders Igniting Transformation

Primitivo Torres

Deputy Director, Statewide Civic Engagement

Shaquella Johnson

Youth Justice Director
Freedom Inc.

Questions? Contact William Parke-Sutherland, wparkesutherland@kidsforward.org

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


Our Take: The Wisconsin 2023-25 Biennial Budget

Our Take: The Wisconsin 2023-25 Biennial Budget

We appreciate Governor Evers being a stop gap for some of the most egregious proposals from the Republican-controlled Joint Finance Committee (JFC). But, if we want to actually address Wisconsin’s racial disparities, we have a lot more work to do.

Proposed Tax Cut Privileges Wealthiest 1%, Leaves Struggling Families Behind

Proposed Tax Cut Privileges Wealthiest 1%, Leaves Struggling Families Behind

Wisconsin can be a place where we all—regardless of race or place—have what we need to make ends meet. However, last week the Republican-controlled Joint Finance Committee voted for a tax cut that would aid in gutting supports for families. Letting Wisconsin’s wealthiest off the hook from paying what they owe means many struggling families are left behind, particularly children and families of color and those furthest from opportunity. We are calling on Governor Evers to stand up for everyday families and veto this tax cut for the wealthy few.

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