WEBINAR: A State Budget that Works for Every Kid

by Kids Forward | March 7, 2025

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Rebuild. Reclaim. Reimagine Wisconsin

A State Budget that Works for Every Kid

Wednesday, April 2
12-1:30pm CST

We’re thrilled to hear it!
The state budget is how we help ensure that every family — regardless of zip code, income, or race — has a chance to thrive. But, over decades, powerful wealthy interests have rigged the rules, funneling the benefits of our hard work out of our communities and into their pockets. 
As a result, Wisconsin faces some of the most tragic economic and racial disparities in the country. These intentional choices by legislators don’t just hurt their intended audience: Black, Brown, and immigrant families. They also hurt low-income rural white families. The state budget is our biggest opportunity this year to address the structural racism that holds everyone back. 
We look forward to working with both sides of the aisle to ensure that this state budget includes every kid in Wisconsin.
Join us to hear our take on the state budget, and how we create a state where every kid can thrive.
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    Kids Forward

    Kids Forward is a statewide antiracist policy center that inspires action and advocates for children and families of color and those furthest from opportunity in Wisconsin. We envision a Wisconsin where every child thrives.

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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