We’re Back!! Scared Straight Rises Again – hopefully briefly

by Kids Forward | January 13, 2011

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Tonight (January 13) the A&E Network begins it’s broadcasting of a seven-part series titled “Beyond Scared Straight” – supposedly a look inside “new” Scared Straight programs – but, at least based on their initial promotional videos looks an awful lot like the old Scared Straight.  The producer of the series apparently does not trust the multiple research efforts that have demonstrated at best no impact, and more often a negative impact, on youthful offenders and at-risk youth – but, then again he admits to having never read it.  The reality is that Scared Straight appeals to an audience that neither understands nor wants to take the time to do the hard work of learning what works with youth – seeking instead some kind of quick-fix solution that makes for good television but poor practice.  Hopefully, this version will not spawn the replication of similar programs elsewhere – one would think that the research has put a stake in the heart of Scared Straight, but apparently not.

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Statement: Raise the Age in Wisconsin

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 At Kids Forward, we firmly believe that every child in Wisconsin deserves to be treated like a child. Yet, our state continues to tragically lag almost every other state in the country when it comes to youth justice reform. In the wake of the...

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