Where has all the money gone? The OJJDP 2010 FY Awards are posted online.

by Kids Forward | December 3, 2010

Home 9 Youth Justice 9 Where has all the money gone? The OJJDP 2010 FY Awards are posted online. ( Page 81 )
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention recently posted a list of the 2010 awards, covering the formula grants, discretionary grants, and earmarks.  Some of you may recall the controversy surrounding grant awards during the last administration, and this public posting is a welcome step toward increasing the transparency of how federal juvenile justice funds are distributed.  The list includes the earmarks that came to Wisconsin – and we’ll see what the incoming congress does with the budget overall and earmarks in particular.

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Legislators Fail to Protect Coverage of Pre-existing Conditions

Many Republican lawmakers, including the Governor, promised in the weeks prior to the mid-term election that they would ensure that regardless of whatever happens to the Affordable Care Act, Wisconsinites would continue to have the same protections for pre-existing conditions.  But thus far, the only legislation they have proposed takes us in the wrong direction. 

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