Why People, Place, and Policy Matters Now More Than Ever!

by William Parke Sutherland | March 30, 2020

Home 9 Coronavirus Response 9 Why People, Place, and Policy Matters Now More Than Ever!

Never before in our lifetimes and likely in the recent history of the world, have people, place and policy mattered more and dictated the future of so many. Lives to be spared or lost are entangled in the decisions we make about our collective behavior. They rely upon our respect for science, the adequacy of our health and economic policies, the wisdom of our leaders, and our collective willingness to be brave and unselfish. This is a moment about policy in action – how far reaching it is and who it is  designed to protect.

Each of us has been asked to do our part, engage with our community by staying home, social distancing, closing our organizations, and changing our lives to drastically alter the trajectory of COVID-19. Rarely have we been so starkly reminded of our dependence – as individuals in our neighborhoods, communities, cities, regions, state and the nation – on the enactment and implementation of solid and expansive public policy.

This public health crisis has presented an unfathomable set of exigent circumstances threatening our health and that of our loved ones. We are now confronted with the importance of a robust health system, social safety net, and culture of individual social responsibility. Our future now depends on the urgent creation, enactment and implementation of policies that allow those in this crisis and on the frontlines (health care workers, emergency responders, community service providers, and government employees) to respond in full force and proportion to the need.

Over the course of the next few weeks and months Kids Forward will continue to do what it has always done: research, analysis and advocacy for policy that matters in your daily life. Policy that places fairness and justice at its core, reaches those in greatest need, and that will effectively address this crisis and its aftermath. We renew our commitment to do our best to inform and advocate for what we believe to be critical in this rapidly changing landscape.  And we ask that when able you contribute your voice to advocate for the priority issues of ensuring health care access, addressing the rapid increase in unemployment and economic insecurity many face, maintaining our democracy through fair election processes, and providing for educational and child care needs of families, among many others.

 When we emerge from this and reflect on where we have been and what we have done, let us hope that this global tragedy and losses were kept at a minimum and that we acknowledge or recognize what we CAN do as an individual, a community, a state, and a nation. How we can distribute aid, help, and resources.  That we can come together when most required. Most importantly maybe we can learn that by implementing policies for the vulnerable few often benefits the many. There is a lot of talk about being on the other side of this. When we are, we must not retract or retrench in our old ways but push forward with more compassion having changed our ways, our policies and our understanding of what we are capable of. While things may look and feel very different in the months ahead, you can rely on Kids Forward to still be working to meet our most pressing challenges s through community-informed research, policy analysis and advocacy that seeks to ensure a Wisconsin where every child thrives, notably children and families of color and those furthest from opportunity.

Erica Nelson

Join us to build a Wisconsin where
every child and family thrives.


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