Will Congress Act This Week to Save Thousands of Jobs?

by Kids Forward | September 26, 2010

Home 9 Tax and Budget 9 Will Congress Act This Week to Save Thousands of Jobs?

If you get the Sunday New York Times or read it online, you may have seen this September 26 headline: “Job Loss Looms as Part of Stimulus Act Expires.”  The article concerns a portion of the Recovery Act funding that has been used to help low income families in a variety of ways, including providing funding to initiate or expand subsidized private sector jobs that are designed to enable unemployed parents move from welfare to work.

Wisconsin is one of the many states that will be adversely affected if Congress doesn’t act quickly to extend this funding – which is referred to as the TANF Emergency Contingency Fund (ECF) and is scheduled to expire on September 30. The last hope to extend it is to include an additional year of funding in the Continuing Resolution that Congress needs to pass this week to keep federal government from grinding to a halt.   Read more in a new post on the Wisconsin Budget Project Blog.

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