Tomorrow marks the 18-month anniversary of the Recovery Act. At the Wisconsin Budget Project, we’re breaking out the cake and candles and have also released a new report that focuses on direct benefits that Wisconsinites are receiving as part of the stimulus effort. Between February 2009 and May 2010, Wisconsin residents received more than $3 billion in tax cuts, extended unemployment benefits, and other benefits. These direct benefits have helped Wisconsin families who are struggling to make ends meet, and bolster our state’s economy when the dollars are spent. Read the whole report here.
Wisconsin Budget Project Releases Analysis of Stimulus Benefits
COVID-19 and Youth Justice in Wisconsin: What Are We Learning?
In the year since we published “The Impact of COVID-19 on Youth Justice in Wisconsin: What Does It Tell Us About the Future?,” a variety of articles and reports have been released affirming the findings and recommendations presented in that 2021 report. The...
Updates on Racial Equity Analyses in Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar
Download the the full report in PDF Introduction This report adds 2020 data from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF), which validates key findings from the previous Baseline Report, and provides a snapshot of a part of Wisconsin’s early care and...
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