Juvenile Sex Offender Registration – a Platform for Advocates for Real Community Safety

by Kids Forward | August 29, 2012

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The National Juvenile Justice Network has recently approved a Policy Platform statement on Juvenile Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws.While difficult to apply every principle in every state, the platform provides some best practice guidelines that advocates can refer to as Wisconsin continues to develop policies and practices related to sex offender registration for youthful offenders.

NJJN takes the general position that including juveniles on sex offender registries, particularly if that information is available to the public, does not in the long run protect public safety and creates additional problems for youthful offenders in turning their life around. Careful assessment, limited access, and an opportunity for a youth to be removed from a registry are common-sense ideas that provide greater balance between safety and successful reintegration of the youth.

Jim Moeser

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