K-12 Issues in Budget Scheduled for May 29 Vote in Finance Committee

by Kids Forward | May 24, 2013

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 K-12 Issues in Budget Scheduled for May 29 Vote in Finance Committee ( Page 2 )

The next meeting of the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee (JFC) will be on Wednesday, May 29, starting at 10:00 a.m. in Room 412 E. K-12 education will be the major topic of discussion and debate. I believe all of the remaining K-12 issues are on the agenda.

Other items on the agenda that day include some proposals for new sales tax exemptions, some of the smaller DHS issues, and the public benefits fund used for low-income weatherization and energy assistance.

A full list of the items being considered can be found here, with links to each of the Legislative Fiscal Bureau papers.

For a short overview of K-12 issues in the budget, see the Wisconsin Budget Project’s two-page summary.

Jon Peacock

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