Widen the Road: Removing Barriers to Driver License Eligibility Will Improve Safety, Support Families, and Boost Businesses

by Kids Forward | November 1, 2018

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Removing barriers to obtaining driver licenses for all immigrants will bring broad-based benefits to Wisconsin’s economy and boost families, communities, and businesses across Wisconsin.

New research from Kids Forward shows that improving access to licenses will make Wisconsin highways safer, result in insurance savings for a broad pool of drivers, help businesses connect with workers who have skill sets that match employer needs, and is a small step toward justice for immigrants in Wisconsin.

The decision to block undocumented immigrants from obtaining driver licenses was made by Wisconsin state lawmakers, not by policymakers in Washington, D.C. That means that state lawmakers also have the power to reverse that decision and allow undocumented immigrants to obtain licenses, as lawmakers in 12 other states have done.

Read the full report here: Widen the Road: Removing Barriers to Driver License Eligibility Will Improve Safety, Support Families, and Boost Businesses.

Or read the one-page fact sheet that summarizes the findings co-released by Kids Forward and Voces de la Frontera:

English: Widen the Road: Allowing All Immigrants Access to Driver Licenses Is a Win for Wisconsin

Español: Comparten las Calles: Ampliando el Acceso a las Licencias de Conducir Sería una Ganancia para Wisconsin

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