“I Speak” Cards

by Amanda Martinez | August 15, 2024

Home 9 Immigration 9 “I Speak” Cards

Language access services are a shared responsibility among various entities, including state agencies, local governments, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and other organizations that receive federal funding. “I Speak” cards or posters help individuals identify their language(s). Download FREE cards below!

Los servicios de acceso lingüístico son una responsabilidad compartida entre varias entidades, incluidas agencias estatales, gobiernos locales, proveedores de atención médica, instituciones educativas y otras organizaciones que reciben fondos federales. Tarjetas o carteles de “Yo hablo…” ayudar a que las personas señalen su(s) idioma(s). ¡Descarga tarjetas GRATIS a continuación!

Kev pab cuam hais lus (Language access services) yog yuav qhia rau kev saib xyuas rau ntawm cov koos haum, suav ntxiv rau hauv xeev cov koos haum, nom tswv zej zog, cov pab kev noj qab haus huv, cov tsev kawm ntawv, thiab lwm cov koos haum uas txais nyiaj txiag ntawm tsoom fwv (federal funding). “Kuv Hais” daim npav lossis cov ntawv loj loj pab tib neeg qhia lawv tus kheej. Download tau DAWB phaib hauv qab no!

Read why language access is so important here and what your agency can do about it.

  • Amanda Martinez

    Amanda is based in Northeast Wisconsin and works to build meaningful relationships with community members, leaders, and organizations to better understand the priorities of the community.

Join us to build a Wisconsin where
every child and family thrives.


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